God-Confidence Is Soul Deep

Written on 10/03/2024
Demi-Leigh Tebow

Former Miss Universe Demi Tebow shares how her journey from self-confidence to God-confidence helped her move beyond temporary achievements to something more lasting.

The post God-Confidence Is Soul Deep appeared first on Bible Gateway News & Knowledge.

Although self-confidence can produce healthy and positive outcomes as it relates to mental health, risk-taking, building relationships, and academic performance, if we put our full trust in ourselves, we will ultimately be let down (or let others down).

I have learned that relying on self-confidence for your identity is unsustainable. 

I propose a different type of confidence not based on our ego but rooted in Someone who is all-powerful, all-knowing, always present, and unchanging! A person worthy of attaching our identity to. I call this “God-confidence,” and the definition is simple: to have full trust in who God is

From Self-Confidence to God-Confidence

King Solomon, one of the wisest men to ever walk the earth, wrote in Proverbs 3:5–6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart. And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him. And He will make your paths straight” (NASB).  

To have full trust in who God is leaves no room for trust in the self. God-confidence, anchored in His greatness, echoes David in Psalm 145:3, “The Lord is great and is highly praised; his greatness is unsearchable” (CSB). It’s knowing that God provides assurance, hope, purpose, and courage in the face of our challenges.  

God-confidence is also about understanding His goodness. The Bible contains so many promises that God has made to His people. Perhaps my favorite is Romans 8:38–39: “For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord” (ESV).

God’s Greatness and Goodness Don’t Change

When we step back and realize the greatness and goodness of God, putting our full trust in anything else seems silly — whether it’s a career, a relationship, a label, or a crown. When your emotions are fickle, God is steadfast! When your understanding is limited, He is omnipotent! When you feel insecure, your value and worth in His eyes doesn’t budge! When you are overwhelmed, His peace provides hope!  

So let’s exchange our superficial self-confidence for a supernatural God-confidence and root ourselves in a crown and an identity that will last for all of eternity.  

A Crown That Lasts

Adapted from A Crown That Lasts by Demi-Leigh Tebow.

In A Crown that Lasts, former Miss Universe and Miss South Africa Demi Tebow confesses the danger of tying our identities to our accomplishments. Discover the truth of who you were created to be and how to use your platform, no matter how big or small, for eternal impact.

On this earth, a crown is what separates victors from the rest of the competitors, but the goal of creating a life worth living is not to gain a trophy, get a prize, or keep the crown. Our lives are not meant to be about being number one or making our own names known. While walking you through the journey of her evolving confidence — from basing her identity on temporary labels and her own efforts, to discovering the rock-solid security of anchoring her dreams in her Maker — Demi weaves her story together with the insights she’s learned along the way. 

A Crown That Lasts is published by HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc., the parent company of Bible Gateway.

The post God-Confidence Is Soul Deep appeared first on Bible Gateway News & Knowledge.